Serving Up Values

April 4, 2018

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This is the first of a six-part series on how New Lifeโ€™s core values – Risk, Safety, Honor, Fun, Next Steps – and serving go hand-in-hand. First though, letโ€™s take a take a brief look at what it means to serve.

There are a multitude of references to serving in Scripture. There is one in particular that stands out among them. At the Last Supper Jesus does the work of a servant and washes all of the Disciples feet. A dirty job that no one of any authority ever performed. Why? The same reason He also went to the cross, โ€œFor even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and give his life as a ransom for many.โ€ย (Mark 10:45, ESV)

Jesus served each of us when He went to the cross and died for us. His love is so immense and He used that love to serve. Love is an essential component to serving. When you realize God loves you enough that He would send Jesus to the cross and Jesus loved you so much He willingly went there all to redeem you, it allows that same love to overflow from you.

In serving we harness that love and use what we have been given by God to serve one another through Jesusโ€™ example. Peter wrote โ€œAs each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewardโ€™s of Godโ€™s varied grace:โ€ (1 Peter 4:10, ESV)

What gifts have you been given that you can use to serve? Sometimes itโ€™s a talent or strength such as teaching, technical, or musical skills. Sometimes itโ€™s access to financial gifts. Sometimes itโ€™s simply the physical ability to help others with a task. Whatever God has blessed you with, He has done so that you may be a blessing to others.

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