Serving Up Values: Next Steps

May 9, 2018


โ€œThe rung of a ladder is not for resting but for the next step.โ€

Serving is filled with next steps.ย  Developing through opportunities to serve is a process.ย  Every time we serve God and show love to other people we become a little more like Jesus.ย  Whether you have yet to serve or have served for years, there is always a next step to take.

Next steps can be as simple as setting up chairs on a Sunday morning or taking a meal to your neighbor. The next steps can grow into leading a ministry team or even planting a church.ย  God โ€œis able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us,โ€ (Ephesians 3:20 NIV).

As an example of this, Mike Fewster spent four years moving from being a man far from God to the Chantilly Campus Pastor at New Life.ย  He actually attended a Life Group before even coming to a church service.ย  After he started attending he kept following the Holy Spiritโ€™s โ€œnudgeโ€ and went from just attending, to serving on Sundayโ€™s (picking up road signs), to being baptized, to leading a Life Group, and eventually becoming Campus Pastor.

Another example is Beth. Hear her story below:



The take-away here is that we only need to be obedient when He calls us to move.

Being too comfortable can stall our growth.ย  The next time you are serving, I encourage you pray and ask God to show you your next step.ย  It might be talking to someone you donโ€™t know.ย  It could be taking on more responsibilities, or even be changing roles, It could be starting something new.

Whatever nudge you feel, donโ€™t ignore it. Instead, embrace it and see how the Holy Spirit works in and through you to magnify your efforts.ย  โ€œLet us not grow weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.โ€ (Galatians 6:9 NIV)

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