What a Great Year 2022 Was at New Life

December 26, 2022


And just like that, another year has flown by! There was a lot that happened around the world and in peoples lives. That is why, at the end of every year, people traditionally take time to reflect on the good and bad of that happened that year.

At New Life we do the same thing. We love to reflect back and remember where God was moving and how He did amazing things throughout the year. So what happened at New Life in 2022 that we are celebrating?

  • Over 600 families were provided Thanksgiving meals
  • Over 350 people were encouraged in their faith by reading the Bible everyday throughout the year
  • We supported 10 launches this year
  • Our church planting resources have been downloaded in 127 countries
  • We had over 1,100 people come through the Live Nativity right before Christmas.
  • We hired Preston Conder as Campus Pastor at Linton Hall and John Baker as Youth Minister
  • We had 41 people baptized!

There are some just of the many great things God did this past year. And, as we continue to follow His lead, we believe that there is no better place to invest in the kingdom than the local church. That is why, as we wrap up 2022, we would love for you to prayerfully consider how you can give to New Life and support all that God is doing for eternity.

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