How to invite friends to Christmas Eve

December 16, 2015

AwkwardLet’s be honest, inviting your friends to church isn’t the easiest conversation to have. Nothing like bringing up Church while watching football…

Your friends: “That call was $%&$ing terrible!”

You: “Hey, do you want to come to Church with me next week?”

It can bring almost any conversation to a screeching halt…and make it awkward from that moment on…until you leave…and that person never talks to you again…ever!  Just kidding, they might talk to you again… eventually 🙂  But seriously, inviting someone to Church can be hard to do. You just don’t know how they will respond to the invite.

But, rest assure, it can be done. In fact Christmas Eve is one of the more easier church services to invite a friend to. Why is that? It is because even if a person isn’t a regular attender to a church, they are more likely to go during Christmas or Easter to celebrate the 2 big events for Christians.

In a recent poll of 1,000 Americans, LifeWay Research found six out of 10 Americans typically attend church at Christmastime.

But among those who don’t attend church at Christmastime, a majority (57 percent) say they would likely attend if someone they knew invited them.

“Regular churchgoers may assume the rest of America has already made up their mind not to attend church,” said Scott McConnell, vice president of LifeWay Research. “In reality, many would welcome going to a Christmas service with someone they know.”

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So, how can you effectively invite a friend to New Life this Christmas season.

1. Share one of these images on your social media accounts. You know, Facebook, Twitter or Instagram – don’t share on Google+, no one really goes there anymore :).  Sharing an image or even writing something on your social media accounts could be a great and non-threatening way to invite someone to Church.

Then, when you share you can mention that you are going and you’d love for others to join you.  Or, you can share it on a community page that you are apart of letting people know of the service times at New Life.  There are always people looking (whether they mention it on a post or not) for a Church to attend on Christmas Eve.  You are simply sharing what New Life is offering.

2. Invite them to church and then out to dinner somewhere. Christmas Eve night is a great opportunity to go out to dinner…especially Chinese food places. It seems that most Chinese food restaurants are usually open on Christmas Eve, so that would be a fun thing to do after the service is over.

3. Grab some Invite Cards and pass them out.  Whether you are out the grocery story, coffee shop or in an office area, there is usually a place where business cards or community information is posted.  By taking a New Life Christmas Eve invite card and posting it there, you are simply making people aware of what’s happening in their community.

4. Just ask.  Could it be awkward? Yes. Could someone say no? Sure. But who knows, maybe they’ll say yes.  Pray before and ask God for the words to say and how to approach it.

The reality is people tend to be open to going to Church, especially during Christmas Eve.  But, they don’t want to go to alone where they know no one (who does, really?).  As the above survey from Christianity Today said, a majority of those people who aren’t going to Church on Christmas Eve said they would go if they were asked.

So this year, as God to show you who you should be inviting to New Life this Christmas Eve. And then ask someone!  Wouldn’t it be great to have another friend come along with you to Church and experience this great season with some great friends?

For more information about Christmas Eve at New Life go to:

Images to download and share on social media:

Rudolph Facebook Cover Photo:

Christmas Eve_Rudolph_FB

Santa Facebook Cover Photo:

Christmas Eve_Santa_FB

Rudolph Image:

Christmas Eve Rudolph_300x250








Santa Image:

Christmas Eve Santa_300x250

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