Being Moved to take Action

August 26, 2016


Have you ever seen a touching storyย on social media and wished that you could do something about it other than just “like” it or “share” it to others? Sure! We all have at some point in our life.

Well, one year ago today (August 26, 2015), New Lifer Amy Waggoner saw a Facebook post about a friend of a friend who needed a kidney. So, she took a chance and decided to see if she was a kidney match. What happened next was an amazing story asย Amy ended up giving one of her kidneys to a complete stranger. All this happened because she decided to take action after reading a Facebook post from a friend.

But here is the best news of it all. Not only did she impact the life of another person by literally helping to save her life, but thisย experience changed her life as well. By choosing to donate her kidney, Amy was challenged to trust in and depend on God more in her daily life.

See how here:


If you want to see the video Facebook made about this experience, click here.

Amy didn’t just sit on the sidelines, she took action!ย Amy felt the nudge by God and by her taking a step out in faith, she grew closer to God and lives were changed. What an amazing story!

And the great news is that this story doesn’t have to end here. Do you want to get off the sidelines and take action? You can have an experience like Amy’s as well by putting your trust in God and responding to his nudges.

What are some ways you can start depending on God more in your life today? Share below your thoughts and make sure you share this story to others so they can be encouraged that they can make a difference in someone’s life today.

Also, to learn more about New Life Christian Church click here.

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