Life in 3D 

Discover God Develop Relationally Deploy Purposefully

Are you looking for meaning? Purpose? To have that sense that you are living life as it was truly intended?

We’d like to make you a deal. Live life in 3D for six months and see what God does.

We believe everyone should be on a continual pattern of Discovering God, Developing Relationally (Grow), and Deploying Purposefully (Get Involved). If you work on each of these three areas, we are convinced God will do something amazing in and through you. Do that for six months and you’ll never look back.


New Life exists to create safe places where people Discover God. Whether it’s aSunday morning serviceor alife group, everything we do is designed to help introducepeople to God in agreatcontext.

So how do we Discover God no matter where we are on this journey?

Here are a few suggestions:


Worship with us every weekend

Our worship services are designed to help us experience God through music and learn about God through the message. We find the services to be both encouraging and challenging as we learn together who God is and what it means to follow Him.


Attend a Discovering Discipleship class

We’ll explore together what it means to hear and follow Jesus beginning with having a right relationship with Him. It’s amazing if you think about it; a perfectly loving and perfectly just God has provided a way for us, people who have been living for ourselves, to have a personal and intimate relationship with Him. That’s just great stuff!

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Get Baptized

In the Bible, baptism is the physical step paired with the internal step of the acceptance of Jesus as your Savior. At New Life, we encourage you to be baptized as soon as you are ready to accept Jesus as the Savior and Leader of your life. If you have questions about baptism, please watch this sermon. Then email us to set it up!


Practice spiritual habits

  • Read the Bible 10 minutes a day, or listen to an audio Bible during your commute (we also have free “analog” paper versions at all of our services) 
Consider reading the New Testament in a year.
  • Pray 10 minutes a day 
Just talk to God like He’s right there in the room with you. You can talk to Him just like He’s your best friend but you never have to worry about Him being surprised or disappointed in whatever you share. He’ll always be there. Tell Him your struggles and ask Him to help.
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Trust God with your finances

We trust God with our lives, with our relationships and loved ones. Along the way, we discover that one of the best ways you can be closer to God is to trust Him with your money. Ask God what and how He wants you to give, you’ll be glad you did.



We believe God made us to be in relationship with Him and with others. We’re often inspired by sermons or something we read. But sometimes, difficult change only comes with support and accountability. Sharing our struggles with someone we trust can be the key to becoming who we truly want to become. To help you form relationships with other people who are also pursuing God and trying to live life the way He intends we have life groups, that meet in people’s homes throughout the week. We HIGHLY encourage you to be a part of one. Not only will you make great friends, you’ll supercharge your relationship with God



The third element to living life in 3D is to Deploy Purposefully. We have found that when we use the gifts that God has given us to make a difference in someone else’s life, we are often changed even more than the person we were trying to help. Something amazing happens in us when we put others first by serving God.

We can serve at New Life by helping make Sunday mornings a safe place for others to come and learn along with us. This could be by helping hold babies so that parents can enjoy the service without worrying about their infant. It could be by helping setup chairs, or making coffee, or handing out programs, or any number of things. We have lots of opportunities for you to serve.

You can also find service opportunities throughout the week. Not everything we do is on Sunday morning, or even in one of our facilities. We make a difference in many people’s lives by serving them where they are. Whether it’s delivering furniture to someone in transitional housing who doesn’t have any or setting up a moon bounce in a community just so kids can jump and have fun; it’s all about serving people in our community in God’s name.

This is probably a good time to let you know this 3D process doesn’t always happen in order. Many people actually deploy before they become a Christian, or get involved in a Life Group when they aren’t even sure they buy into this whole Christianity thing and that’s okay.

Serving God on Sunday morning or in the community can bring you closer to Him as you experience being part of something bigger than yourself. Talk to your campus pastor , or take our spiritual gifts assessment to find a place to serve.

The goal is to become closer to God by serving, not to simply fill a volunteer slot because we need someone to do something. Give it a shot. Start somewhere and if it’s not a good fit, we’ll help you find another opportunity that may work better.

One last thought. Look to help someone else Discover, Develop, & Deploy as you go. Your relationships can be a bridge to profound spiritual progress for others.

If you ever feel stuck spiritually, or you just aren’t connecting with God the way you’d like, get back to the basics and look for opportunities to: Discover, Develop or Deploy.

Bring a friend to New Life… better yet, tell them how faith has impacted your life.

Still Lost?

Email us and ask for help finding a place to serve.  Use Find Your Spot to discover how God has wired you to serve.