“Big Hero 6” Devotional
October 27, 2015
As the At the Movies series continues, Stan Rodda, Campus Pastor of our Linton Hall campus, shared a message this past week on friendship and forgiveness through the lens of the Bible and Big Hero 6. If you missed it, you can watch it below or catch one of the rebroadcasts throughout the week.
In his message, Stan challenged us to pattern our friendships after who Jesus was. He highlighted four ways we can do that: by being a friend who makes memories with you, stretches you, forgives quickly, and sacrifices without reservations.
The Bible is filled with a variety of other verses on what a true friend is. Read through the verses below and then take a minutes or two to answer a few questions.
Questions to Ponder:
- What quality of friendship is hardest for you to do? Why?
- Reflect on the friendships you have. Are you sharpening them or no? How so?
- In John 15 he talks about laying down your life for your friends. Obviously that is not literal, but how can you do that today?
Being a true friend to those around you isn’t always easy. But, if we seek to be the type of friend that Jesus was to those closest to him, we can have life-long friendships that make a real impact…not just in each others lives but in the lives of others as well.
How has God used a friendship in the past help you? Share you experiences below.