How to Show Hospitality this Christmas Season

December 11, 2023


While the Christmas season invites nostalgic reminders of great Christmas pasts and joys, it also provides an opportunity. In fact, the season itself calls us to be gracious and show hospitality to others. When we open our life to others and show grace and hospitality to them, we mirror the extravagant coming of Jesus, our savior.

So what can you do this Christmas to reflect and draw people to Christ with grace and hospitality? Here are a few ideas.

At Your Home

Who, in your community, can you welcome in to your home and care for them? Think about those who may spend Christmas alone – a college student remaining on campus, a widow down the street, a teen who needs some encouragement, a single co-worker or someone else. Make it a family event where you think about people and then invite them to a family meal or other family gatherings that you are doing. Make your home a welcoming environment for others.

The Gift of Presence

We live in a busy world. It can be non-stop a lot. That is why one of the best gifts you can offer is your focused presence with them. When you are with someone, be there. Don’t be distracted with other things. Commit to truly being there. But, beyond that, slow down and be encouraging and friendly with the grocery store cashier, postal worker, or anyone else you come in contact with this Christmas season. Look for opportunities to honor others with your presence and encouragement wherever you may go.

At Community Events

Throughout the Christmas season, there are always a ton of festive events in the community. When you are at these events, keep an eye out for strangers, those who look like they are new to the community, people sitting alone along the edges. Introduce yourself to them and show them hospitality and God’s love. The more hospitable and welcoming you can be, the more they will experience the love of Christ before they even realize they need the love of Christ in their life.


The world desperately needs a good dose of hospitality these day. As you gather this Christmas, look around. Who’s still waiting at the margins? How might you draw them closer to Christ’s welcome with your own? Allow your hospitality to reflect heaven’s gates swung wide for all.

If you would like to receive daily texts through Christmas with a Bible verse andfor, text “Christmas” to 703-454-5990.

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