Finding Light with God in Your Darkest Hour

October 23, 2023


When tragedy strikes, pain envelops us, and suffering seems never-ending, many people naturally ask “Why God? Why is this happening to me?” We wonder if He sees us in our despair as we struggle to make sense of it all. Can any good come from such hardship and trials in those darkest hours?

We have all walked through agonizing times and dark days. It could be a loss of a loved one, broken relationships, financial ruin, or a crises of faith among other things. In those times, it is hard to imagine the light at the end of the tunnel or fathom how anything constructive could emerge. Yet as we look back, we can see glimmers of light peeking through—hard-earned wisdom, deeper bonds with others, renewed priorities, and insights. Those tough times can produced fruit over time that, while hard, we can all appreciate.

The Bible reassures us that God works all things for the good of those who love Him (Romans 8:28). He promises to take the hardest of circumstances and use them redemptively in our lives. As we walk hand in hand with Him through the darkness, He provides comfort, renewal, and hope.

Jesus warned that we would have trouble in this world. “Take heart,” He encouraged, “For I have overcome the world” (John 16:33). Our suffering will pale in comparison to the “far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory” ahead for those who persevere (2 Corinthians 4:17).


Unfortunately, we will encounter tragedy in our life. That is why the next time it strikes, remember there is light and purpose somewhere in the darkness. God wastes nothing. Keep seeking Him. Ask others to help carry your burdens. Look for small blessings each day. And have faith that one day you’ll see glimpses of the good God brought from the ashes. His light still shines.


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