Running Towards God’s Calling in Your Life

July 22, 2024

God's calling

Recently, in one of our Bible reading plans, we read over the book of Jonah. The story of Jonah is one of the most well-known stories in the Bible. It is the story that is often remembered for its dramatic scene of Jonah being swallowed by a great fish. However, this story offers a far more than just an exciting adventure. It provides profound insights into the importance of embracing God’s calling in our lives.

Jonah’s initial response to God’s calling was to run away. When told to go to Nineveh and preach against its wickedness, Jonah boarded a ship heading in the opposite direction. How often do we find ourselves doing the same? God’s calling can be intimidating, pushing us out of our comfort zones and challenging our preconceptions. Like Jonah, we might be tempted to flee, believing we’re not ready, not worthy, or simply not willing.

But as Jonah’s story dramatically illustrates, running from God’s calling is often causing us more harm then good. The violent storm that threatened to sink the ship and Jonah’s subsequent three-day stay in the belly of a fish demonstrate that God’s will cannot be easily thwarted. More importantly, these events show that God doesn’t give up on us, even when we try to escape His plans.

After his extraordinary rescue, Jonah finally goes to Nineveh and delivers God’s message. The result? The entire city repents, from the king to the lowliest citizen. This shows the powerful impact of following God’s calling. When we align ourselves with God’s will, we become instruments of His grace and transformative power in the world.

However, Jonah’s story doesn’t end with this success. His anger at God’s mercy towards Nineveh exposes his heart. It’s a reminder that embracing God’s calling isn’t just about outward obedience, but also about aligning our hearts with God’s compassion and love for all people.

So what can we learn from Jonah’s journey?

  1. God’s calling may challenge us, but it’s always for a greater purpose.
  2. Running from God’s will leads to pain, while embracing it brings fulfillment.
  3. God can use us to impact lives in ways beyond what we can see or imagine.
  4. Following God’s call requires not just action, but a transformation of our hearts.


Instead of running away from God’s calling, let’s run towards it. It may be daunting, it may stretch us, but it also offers the opportunity to participate in God’s work in the world. Like Jonah, we might find that the journey changes not just those around us, but ourselves as well. It’s important to remember that God doesn’t call the equipped; He equips the called. So whatever your “Nineveh” might be, take courage. Embrace the call. Run towards it. You might just find that it’s the adventure of a lifetime.

At New Life, we offer a variety of Bible reading plans for exploring God’s word and practically applying it to our lives today. If you would like to be part of a Bible reading plan, check out the different options here.

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