Host a Student through George Mason’s Bridge Program

November 7, 2017

George Mason

Brett teaches regularly about the God’s Upper Story and our Lower Story. That Upper Story is God’s plan to reach the world … the WHOLE world. Our Lower Story is our obedience to that plan.

Vocational missionary commitment is one way to reach all parts of the world. Not everyone is called to this service. But we are all called to the same mission effort. We are fortunate in the NoVA area that God has blessed us with the opportunity to engage with a wide range of internationals living nearby. Many of these internationals are students who are in the United States to pursue an education and also to pursue American language and culture. Many have never known a Christian family.

George Mason University’s Bridges international students program is offering the chance to reach out to these students, share your home, share American culture and language, and share your faith. Below are two programs to allow you to open your hearts, lives, and homes to an international student.

Host Families and Conversation Partners

Host Families

hostBeing a Host Family is an exciting opportunity to build a deeper relationship and share Christ with someone who may not know any other Christian families. Bridges will pair you up with an international student. Bridges will share the contact info you provide with the student, and the contact info they provide with you. You may immediately reach out to the student, or wait for a meet in greet in MONTH. You can be as involved/as frequent as you and your student would like it to be. It is whatever you and your all feel comfortable with.

Some examples (not mandatory) of how you can reach out to them may include:

  • Offering to pray for them
  • Inviting them over for a meal once a month
  • Inviting them to attend a church service or event
  • Grabbing tea with them on campus or off campus
  • Attending a Bridges social with them
  • Inviting them to a family celebration on or around a holiday

Bridges will send a mid-year check-in to you and your student so that you can offer feedback. Please reach out to us at any time with questions.

Conversation Partners

Being a conversation partner is an exciting way to consistently connect with an international student who may not know any other Christians. It is a time to serve them, teach them about American culture, and show Christ’s love. Bridges will pair you with an international student who would like to practice English or just learn more about American culture.Bridges will share the contact info you provide with the student, and the contact info they provide with you. You may immediately reach out to the student, or wait for a meet in greet in MONTH. Typically, Conversations Partners meet every week or every other week for 30-60 minutes, but you and your student can determine your own meeting schedule and frequency.

* The commitment level for both programs is for the whole school year.

** Host Families and Conversation Partners are a rolling process. Bridges continually pairs students and families as there is interest. Therefore, matches will be made throughout the school year according to response rate.

*** Pairs will be female to female and male to male only.

Please prayerfully consider God’s calling on you in this need. Sign up here.

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