How to Play a Part in the Vision of New Life

June 10, 2024


New Life’s mission is to make disciples that make disciples that plant churches that plant churches. It is a big vision that God has guided us through as we now have helped start over 300 Churches over the years. But that big vision can also feel overwhelming for New Lifers at times. How can I make disciples that plant Churches? It’s too big for just one person.

While that is correct, each of us can play a part in this vision. As believers we are called to play a part in it. So how do you do it? For starters, it begins with you. You have to first be striving to grow in your faith on a daily basis. So what can you do to grow in your faith so that others will want to grow in their faith?

The starting point to be a disciple is to know God’s word and obey it. When was the last time you opened your Bible or Bible app on your phone? The more you can do that on a daily basis, the more you are going to gain wisdom and learn to apply biblical principles to your daily life. In addition, as you read the stories of the first Christians and applying the principles, you will be equipped to go and make disciples in your community.

The good news is that if you want to grow in your faith and be a great example for others, we have plenty of ways to do that at New Life. In fact, there are a few Online Bible Study plans right now that you can jump right in and read right now. You will get a passage in the Bible each day with a short video devotional. Then, you can chat about practical applications for the day. It’ll be a great time of learning and growing in our faith together.


New Life’s vision is a big vision. But you can play a part in it. It starts with winning yourself with Christ and the perfect way to do that is to start getting to know God’s word. As David writes in Psalm 119:105, “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.” Let God’s word light your path and impact your live day by day and see where He leads you. You in?

At New Life, we offer a variety of Bible reading plans for exploring God’s word and practically applying it to our lives today. If you would like to be part of a Bible reading plan, check out the different options here.

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