3 Lessons from Titus 1 – Philemon

September 11, 2023


We have made it through! After spending a few months look at Paul’s letters to the New Testament Churches, we have reached the conclusion. If you haven’t already, take time toย read through these passagesย and share below what stands out to you from them. If you would like some encouragement from past devotionals we have been doing, you can click here.

Here are 3 lessons learned and insights from Titus 1- Philemon.

A Charge to Disciple Others

Are you discipling others around you? Discipling others allows us to live out Jesus’ command in Matthew 28:19-20. When we invest in others’ spiritual growth, it also shows them that they too can disciple others around them.ย Read Titus 2 and watch this devotional. Then pray that God provides an opportunity for you to disciple someone today

Share your Story

Sharing your personal testimony about God’s work in your life is a powerful way to give glory to Him and build up the faith of other believers. Your real life experiences with God’s grace, guidance, and provision offer encouragement to others as they explore their faith. The great news is that we all have a story of how we came to know Jesus as our savior. How did you come to know Jesus? Do you know how to share it with others? Read Titus 3 and watch this devotional. Thank, take time to write out your story so you can share it with others.

Be part of the Reconciliation Process

Having a ministry of reconciliation is vital because division and broken relationships are pervasive issues that deeply hurt people and communities. Following Christ’s example, who urged forgiveness and reconciliation, it helps repair fractures in society to reflect God’s desire. Are you willing to be part of the reconciliation process for others? What are you willing to do to bring reconciliation so that others can come to know Jesus? This is a great challenge for us today. Read Philemon and watch this devotional for encouragement.


These are just 3 of the lessons you could have gotten out of from this week’s passages. However, they are not the only ones. What did you get out of reading these passages? If you are not part of this group, but would like to be getting these texts, simplyย text the word “Paul” to 703-454-5990. In addition to this, to be part of other Bible Study encouragement groups where you can pick out other Bible Studies to do throughout the year, go toย this page.

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