Serving Up Values: Fun

April 11, 2018


Fun /fษ™n/ noun: enjoyment, amusement, or lighthearted pleasure.

Serving should be fun. Seriously.ย It might be hard work. It might make you tired at the end of the day.ย But it shouldnโ€™t be unenjoyable, overly boring, or disheartening. Every opportunity to serve one another is a chance to bring great joy to those around you.ย Think about why youโ€™re willing to serve, which we talked about previously. (read the first installment here) The love that God displayed for you now pours out of you in service to others.ย  Love is joy filled and exciting; and joy and excitement are contagious.

funI want to encourage you in two ways.ย  First, when you are serving someone take a moment to pray inviting God to be a part of what youโ€™re doing. Ask Him to help you display Jesus in such a way that those you serve get to discover the love of Christ in a fresh or new way. Second, look for ways to engage others in what youโ€™re doing. Then make it fun.

When my wife and I first started serving together we handed out programs on Sunday morning at the early service. Folks were barely awake and trying desperately to get caffeine into their systems as they walked up to us. Within a few weeks we decided to make sport of the situation and starting making a competition out of who could hand out the most programs. We began to strike up conversations with everyone and used various techniques to get folks to take ourย program. There was no prize for the winner. In fact in making it fun we both won every time!

Finally, I want to mention that if you are struggling to see serving one another as something that is fun, it may be time to hit the pause button and think about why youโ€™re serving. If youโ€™re not serving God, but instead serving out of duty, obligation, or a favor to someone else it will become harder to find joy in what youโ€™re doing.

โ€œWhatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ.โ€ (Colossians 3:23-24, ESV)

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