Sticks and Stones

August 12, 2016


Name calling.

We tell our kids it isnโ€™t very nice.
We have to teach them that words wonโ€™t hurt them (even though we know differently).
They are told in school that bullying is not just physical, it is verbal and psychological.

We tell them โ€œto choose your words carefully.โ€


And yet, as I watch the political environment this year, I hear lots of name calling.
From all sides.
This side believes that side to be ______, and calls them names.
Sophisticated names; names that make the other side sound evil, divisive, non-tolerant.
Adults calling other adults names.
Quoting, misquoting, yelling, belittlingโ€ฆbullying.


It doesnโ€™t stop with politics though.
I am a Steelers fan in Ravens territory.
I have attended games where I felt unsafe leaving the stadium.
Over football; a sporting event; at an entertainment venue.
People cursing, shouting, angry.


And it continues into other areas of my life.
Slowly seeping into my very soul.

Name calling.


What do I want to be called?

Child of God; joint heir with Christ.
But these words carry baggage too: hatred; bigot; closed minded; hypocrite.

Without knowing me, I am labeled.
By people I may never meet.
They judge me by association – my team association, my political association, my religious affiliation โ€“ each becomes a dirty word, a curse, a put-down.

Name calling.


What do I want to affirm in others?
Love of God.



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