What We Can Learn from Jesus’ Prayer in John 17

July 16, 2024


In John 17 one of the most profound and intimate moments in Jesus’ ministry on earth happened. In this chapter Jesus prayed to God just before His crucifixion. This prayer, often called the “High Priestly Prayer,” gives us a glimpse into the heart of Jesus and provides powerful lessons for our own prayer lives.

For starters, we see Jesus’ deep connection with God. In John 17:1-5, He acknowledges that His hour has come, demonstrating His awareness of God’s timing and plan. This teaches us the importance of aligning our prayers with God’s will and recognizing His sovereignty in our lives.

Jesus’ Prayer

Jesus’ prayer is broken down in three main parts. First, Jesus prays for Himself, but not in a selfish manner. He asks to be glorified so that He can, in turn, glorify the Father. This reminds us that even in our personal requests, our ultimate aim should be God’s glory, not our own.

Jesus' prayer

While He starts off praying for Himself, the bulk of Jesus’ prayer focuses on others. He prays for His disciples and all future believers. He prays for their protection, unity, and sanctification. This exemplifies the selfless nature of intercessory prayer and encourages us to pray fervently for others, especially fellow believers.

Jesus’ prayer for unity among believers is particularly striking. He asks that they may be one, just as He and the Father are one. This underscores the importance of Christian unity and challenges us to pray for and actively pursue harmony within the body of Christ.

Throughout the prayer, Jesus emphasizes the importance of knowing God. He defines eternal life as knowing the only true God and Jesus Christ whom He has sent. This teaches us that the essence of our faith is not just about rules or rituals, but about a deep, personal relationship with God.

Finally, Jesus’ prayer reveals His great love for His followers. He speaks of His desire for us to be with Him and to see His glory. This assures us of Jesus’ ongoing love and intercession for us, even now as He sits at the right hand of the Father.


As we reflect on Jesus’ prayer in John 17, may we be inspired to deepen our own prayer lives, focusing on God’s glory, while also praying for others, pursuing unity, and growing in our knowledge and love of our Lord and Savior.

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