Daily Devotions

Weekday encouragement delivered straight to your inbox

Spending time daily reading scripture and praying are spiritual disciplines that provide positive impact in your life. And we want to help you build that spiritual discipline.

Each weekday, a devotional video recorded by Brett Andrews , our Senior Minister, other staff members, friends of the church and more is sent to you with thought provoking questions. These words of encouragement, comfort, and challenge are posted to our YouTube channel and can also be sent directly to you via email.

We have been encouraged by the people that have let us know how much these devotions mean to them and their walk with the Lord.  

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Recent Daily Devotions

Feature video is the most current in the Daily Devotional Series. To watch other recent videos, click on the video from the list below. To check out all of the great devotions from the Daily Devotional series, click here.

You can also hear our daily devotions in your favorite podcast app

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