
March 12, 2016



Do you sense that God has something more for you than what your life currently offers? Are you living in the sweet spot of your unique personal calling?


I have come that they may have life, andย has it more abundantly ~Jesus


We are inspired by the promise of living more abundantly (den: 1. exceeding a measure or need; more than is necessary; to be filled beyond measure; filled to overflowing to the fullest measure) and yet it’s an elusive pursuit for most people. Our aspirations fall short of life’s reality producing the deep longing for more than most people experience.

We have three profound questions to solve as we put on our investigator’s hat and look for clues to finding this “more”. These are the questionsย we believe you are already asking yourself.



The answers to these BE – DO – GO questions represent our unique sweet spot of calling. The longing of our heart to respond to and lean into our calling screams out to us through these questions; questions that reflect the natural elements of our sweet spot.

If you want to live for More… if you want to live in the sweet spot for your life, you must answer whether you are positioned correctly, doing what you are designed to do, and producing the fruit intended by your Creator.

For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, whichย God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them. ~ Ephesians 2:10

Join us at New Life startingย April 10th

We will be exploring these questionsย to help you discover more. Special guests including Os Guinness will be joining our teaching team toย unpack this BE – DO – GO framework. Our goal is that you would find your personal sweet spot and experience abundantly more in life.


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