A Holiday Deploy Opportunity

December 1, 2015


The holiday season is a magical time of year. The Christmas music, lights, wreaths, yummy food, parties, and holiday joy are all around us. However, as joyful as this time of the year is for people, there are many people who are alone, heartbroken, or struggling to make ends meet.

So what if as part of our holiday joy and excitement, we helped others? Can you imagine the amount of change the world would experience if we spread Christmas joy to others each and every day?

What would that look like? Here are a few ideas:

1. Food. Food is great and let’s be honest everyone loves food in one shape or another. However, there are many people around the area that often go without food. How can you help others get the food they need?

  • Collect food in your neighborhood and deliver to the local food bank.
  • Make brown bag lunches and bring some to the homeless in your area
  • Volunteer at a local food bank or soup kitchen

2. Clothes. The weather is getting colder and there are people in your community who will not have sufficient clothing to keep themselves and/or their family warm. This provides a great opportunity for you to help out. How?

  • Go through the clothes at your house that you and/or your family no longer wear but are in good shape. Donate them to a local homeless shelter, Salvation Army or thrift shop.
  • Get your neighbors involved! Go around your neighborhood and collect used, but in good condition, clothing to donate.

3. Share the Christmas spirit! The one thing I love about Christmas is the “cheer” around it. Whether it is the lights, the music, parties and overall festivities there is a lot of joy centered around Christmas. How can you spread this cheer to others?

  • Head over to the elderly homes and spend some time talking with those who may not get any visits this Christmas. Bring some simple gifts or food that they can enjoy and ask them for some of their favorite Christmas memories
  • Go to the orphanages, foster homes or children’s hospital, and read stories about Christmas and Jesus’ birth to them, play games, and laugh with them.
  • When you see people on the street, wish them a Merry Christmas. When you buy something at the store, leave by saying, “I wish you a Merry Christmas”.

4. Do random acts of kindness. The Christmas season is the PERFECT opportunity for you to do random acts of kindness.   What are some ideas?

  • Buy coffee for a friend or the person behind you line.
  • Surprise a friend with some baked goods.
  • Take gifts to the homeless (i.e. warm clothes, food gift cards) and help them have a Merry Christmas as well

As you can see, there are many things you can do this Christmas and Holiday season to spread joy, hope and happiness to others in your community. The good news is that no matter where you live in the world, there is always something you can do to share Christ and the Christmas joy to others. Whatever you do, the challenge is to be consistent at it.

Make this year a year to remember, not just for others, but for you as well.

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