Backpack Buddies Box Project
January 31, 2017
We have a great opportunity to partner with our school, Piney Branch, and to serve kids and families through the Backpack Buddies Box project. Here’s how we’re helping. Every Sunday you can being with you and donate any of the following items. Place them in the collection box in the lobby and every Friday, Piney Branch will distribute them to the families. The box is labeled “Backpack Buddies Box.”
Each bag consists of:
- 2 100% juice boxes
- 2 milks, one chocolate and one white milk (non-refrigerated, such as Nesquik or Horizon)
- 1 hot cereal item (oatmeal)
- 1 cold breakfast item (plastic bowl of cereal, breakfast bar, etc )
- 2 lunch type products (soup, ravioli, macaroni and cheese, etc.)
- 2 fruits (applesauce cup, fruit cup)
- 4 various snack items (crackers, cookies, Rice Krispie treat, pudding cup, granola bar, etc.)
Please consider donating beginning this week and any week after. If you have any questions, send Stan Rodda an email.