How to Grow in Your Faith in the New Year

December 15, 2022

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What you read impacts you.

Scroll through your news or social media feed and you will feel all sorts of different emotions. That is why reading the Bible on a regular and consistent basis can help us in a variety of ways. Joshua 1:8 CSB says, “This book of instruction must not depart from your mouth; you are to meditate on it day and night so that you may carefully observe everything written in it. For then you will prosper and succeed in whatever you do.”

The Bible is filled with Godโ€™s promises and guides us so that we can live life to the full. And, when we spend time in God’s word, not only will we benefit and get to know Him, but others will see God as well. Matthew 5:16 CSB says, “In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father in heaven.”

Because we know spending time with Christ daily impacts us and others, we want to provide opportunities for people to know God’s Truth and practically apply it to their lives. That is why we are offering a variety of Bible reading plans you can be part of this year. You can find out a more in-depth description of each one here.

  • Read the Bible in a Year Plan (1 Year) – Text “Bible” to 703-454-5990.
  • Book of Genesis (50 Days) – Text “Genesis” to 703-454-5990.
  • Heroes of the Bible Plan (67 Days) – Text “Hero” to 703-454-5990.
  • Gospels Reading Plan (91 Days) – Text “Gospel” to 703-454-5990.
  • Thankful Reading Plan (24 Days) – Text “Thankful” to 703-454-5990.
  • Christmas Reading Plan (26 Days) – Text “Christmas” to 703-454-5990.
  • Wise Up – a Study of the book of Proverbs (31 Days) – Text “Proverbs” to 703-454-5990
  • Word Up – a Study of the New Testament (90 Days) – Text “Wordup” to 703-454-5990.

The great news about all these series is that we will continually introduce more reading plans for you to go through and read the Bible. Keep checking back at the Bible Reading Plan Page to see which new ones you can do.

God wants to do amazing things in your life this year! Choose to invest time in getting to know him and see where he leads you.



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