Evaluating and Adjusting Your 2018 Goals

February 28, 2018

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January started out so great. You had new ideas, plans, and goals for 2018. You were motivated and ready to accomplish all those goals, but the reality is that it is almost March. Do you still have that same motivation to achieve your goals for the year? Are you on your way to achieving them or have they fallen away? As warmer weather and spring approach, we have a great opportunity to take a step back and reflect on where we are at and where we want to go the rest of the year.

Here are a few things you can do to reevaluate the year and get back on track.

Review and make adjustment to your goals. If you are doing great with your goals and are right on track that is awesome! Congrats! By this time almost 80% of New Year’s resolutions have faded away. The good news is that you didn’t give up on your goals. Although it may not be easy to do so, keep at it. What may help you is if you simply reassess and adjust your goals. Break your goals up into more manageable chunks so you keep striving towards accomplishment.

Start saying, “no” and make adjustments. After you review and reflect on where you are at, a word you should learn to say is, “no.”  After all, if you want to get to the place you were dreaming of by the end of the year, you have to say no to some things because every time you say “yes” to something not in your goals, you are saying “no” to steps in your goals.

Start saying “yes” to you. Sometimes you have to be selfish. If you want to make the most out of your life, you have to start saying “yes” to you. That means your spiritual life, mental health, and physical fitness. Doing good and helping others are always great things to do, but if you are constantly giving and not putting anything in your life, you will burn out and break down. You need to invest in your life so that out of that overflow of what you are pouring into you, you can give out to others. You can check some great Bible Reading Plans here.

We are only two months into the new year. All is NOT lost. You can still accomplish all you set out to do this year. Simply review and make adjustments and figure out what you need to say “no” to and how you can say “yes” to you a little more.

2 Chronicles 5:7 – “But you, take courage! Do not let your hands be weak, for your work shall be rewarded.”

How have you made sure your goals are staying on track? Share your experiences below.

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