Holy Week Devotional Reflections

March 27, 2023

Holy Week Devotional Reflections

From “Hallelujah” to betray, Jesus experienced a lot in the beginning of what is traditionally called “Holy Week”. Holy Week begins when Jesus enters Jerusalem with praises from the people as they sing “hallelujah” and it ends the day before Easter, when Jesus is still dead. As we look through a series of devotionals about Jesus and this Holy Week, here are a few things that stand out, are encouraging and challenging.

Jesus Modeled Servanthood 

Jesus ServingDuring Passover, Jesus did something extraordinary and completely unexpected. Right before he was going to the cross to give his life so we could have life, he choose to watch his disciples’ nasty, well beaten up feet. And, when he finished, he told them that they need to go and do likewise. If God and the savior of the world can do this for them, we can follow his example and serve others in our community, as well. Who will you serve today? You can watch the devotional on it here.

Jesus instituted Communion

During the Passover meal, Jesus did something different from what normally happened during Passover. He took bread and wine use them as an illustration of what He was ultimately going to do but also as a way for people to remember what He did on the cross. He said to take the bread and wine and eat and drink it in the future as a way to remember his sacrifice on the cross on Good Friday. That is why every time you take communion, do not just eat the bread and drink the juice, remember the sacrifice Christ made for you. Watch the devotional about it here.

Jesus’ Humanity Shown

When you think about Jesus, what normally comes to mind? Does his humanity come to mind? While Jesus is fully divine, he is also fully human. And he shows his humanity when he goes and prays at the garden before his arrest. He is clearly upset and nervous about going to the cross. This shows his humanity and that, as Hebrews 2:18 says, he is able to help us. He can identify with what we are going through because he went through it, too. So the next time you are hurting, feeling alone, tempted or going through any range of emotions, ask Jesus for help and guidance. To watch the devotional, click here.


Jesus is our ultimate redeemer. If you want encouragement during the Easter season, you can get these daily encouragement by texting the word “Easter” to 703-454-5990. You can also watch and be encouraged in all the Road to Redemption video devotionals by clicking here. To be part of other Bible Study encouragement, find a new study here.

What are you learning from these Holy Week devotionals? How have you been encouraged? Share below. 

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