How your Good Deeds can lead to Good Conversations

June 27, 2018


In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven. – Matthew 5:16

The verse above is one of my favorite verses. Let your light shine before others so that they may see God and give glory to Him. In a day and age when it seems like we can’t say anything without offending someone or upsetting someone else, this verse seems like the perfect way to share about Jesus without saying anything at first. After all, who can be upset with someone else for doing good?

We’ve been hearing a lot at New Life lately about how we can go and make disciples of all nations and teaching them everything God has taught us. However, as simple as it may seem, going up to someone and sharing our faith can be hard. I definitely believe everyone has to potential to share about Christ to others, but can still be a challenge at first. So, instead of simply going up to share your faith with a random stranger, maybe a first step is to simply do good.

conversationsFor instance, maybe it is paying for someone’s meal without them asking. Or maybe it is helping people in need. It could even be bringing donuts into your office one day. There are countless good deeds you can do for others at any time.

For example, the street one of our staff members lives on was under construction recently. He gave the workers some bottles of water. One guy seemed surprised someone would give him a free bottle of water so the staff member said, “It’s really not a big deal. Just consider this bottle of water as coming from Jesus Christ because He loves you.” It really wasn’t a big deal. And in this case the conversation didn’t go much farther. But at least there was a conversation and the worker knew what motivated the staff member to give him the bottle of water.

It is possible to do good without others knowing you are doing good because of Christ in your life. That is why you have to be purposeful about sharing about Jesus’ impact in your life when the opportunity comes about. You can use the good deed to have good conversations about Christ. 1 Peter 3:15 says, “but in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect”.

We need to always be prepared to share about Jesus when the opportunity comes about. The good deed is great but the purpose of the good deed is to point people to Jesus. And the good deed is a great conversation starter for you to share about him.

Now, don’t force a conversation about Jesus just because you did a good deed. Let it come naturally, but I would encourage you to pray and ask God what you can do and who can you do it for. The more you pray and ask for God’s leading the more certain you will be about the opportunity to share about Christ when it comes about.

Sharing Christ can be scary at times. But it doesn’t have to be. Use the goodness of Christ in your life to share about what hope you have in Him. It’s a natural conversation starter and can go a very long way to helping people see how great Christ is by seeing the good you do.

What stories do you have in which good deeds have led to good, Godly conversations? Share them below. 

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