The NLCC Online Campus is Here!

September 12, 2014

Watch New Life Online CampusFrom Taiwan to Ireland, the middle of the Mediterranean Sea to Florida and many other places all over the world, since the start of the summer, people have been able to watch and participate in New Life services no matter where they have been. How is that? It’s because New Life has been streaming its services online every Sunday.

It has been a great few months interacting with everyone who has been out of town on vacation or for work or who have been sick or even been in the hospital getting ready to deliver a new baby! It’s exciting to see so many people staying connected to our New Life community by watching and chatting along with the Chat Hosts.

Now that fall is upon us, the New Life Online Campus is ready to take a few next steps. Not only will be continue to stream services on Sunday for New Lifers who are away but will also begin marketing and promoting this Online Campus to those outside of New Life. We’re also nearly ready to rebroadcast the Sunday services throughout the week making it even easier for people to Discover God. Finally, we are developing some online small groups to help others develop in their relationships with Christ and deploy into their communities.

It is a very exciting time for all of New Life and developing the ever-changing online community.

But one of the questions we have been asked is, “How can I, a ‘live in person’ New Lifer use and support the Online Campus?

That’s a great question. Here are a few ideas.

  • Host watch parties…especially if you are out of town or with a travel sports team. We all know Northern Virginia is a very active area, even on Sundays. When people can’t make it to a physical church invite them to watch it with you on your iPad or tablet. Then, you could have a short discussion about it afterwards. We’ve had a number of people this summer who shared a New Life service with friends or family from the comfort of their beach cottage.
  • Use it as a way to introduce people to New Life and a relationship with Christ. Even though Linton Hall and Chantilly Campuses do not meet at a “traditional” church setting, it can still be intimidating to go to a church “building”. One Sunday, or another time during the week when we start rebroadcasting, invite a few of your friends over to your house and watch a service together. As they feel comfortable with the service, maybe they will be more incline to go to one of the physical campuses.
  • Get on the Chat during one of the online services and “cheer on” those who are hearing about Christ for the 1st time. This will become an increasing need for us when we rebroadcast throughout the week. This is a great opportunity for you to get directly involved. Talk to Tom to find out more about being a Chat Host.

As Mike Fewster says all the time in Chantilly, we are 1 Church meeting in 3 different locations. Each of them are great ways for people to Discover God and Develop Relationally. It is our hope that as the Online Campus continues to grow as you and others get connected online.

If you have any questions about the Online Campus, please talk to [email-obfuscate email=”” link_title=”Tom Pounder”], the Online Campus Pastor.

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