Now what?!?

April 20, 2017


Christmas Eve and Easter are two of the biggest Church services of the year. They are the times in which every church usually gets a bump up in attendance. Why? Because in the church calendar, those are the 2 “most important” events of the Christian faith. During Christmas, we celebrate the birth of Christ, our Savior, and at Easter, we celebrate the resurrection of Christ.

Both of these days are very special in so many different ways and there is a lot of preparations that go into making these days special because, it’s Christmas Eve and Easter! But now that both events are over, what’s next? What can people do with the Church now that it’s over?

Great question! Here are a few ideas:

  • Keep praying. The weeks after Christmas and Easter attendance usually dips back to “normal” attendance. It happens to every church no matter how big or small you are. However, that just means that we, as believers, need to keep praying for our friends, family members, neighbors and co-workers to come to know Christ. Very rarely will someone come to a church service and be instantly changed, desiring to come back to church weekly. However, if we keep praying, hopefully

    Now that Easter is over, what opportunities are you looking for?

    they will feel the nudge or poke to keep coming back.

  • Keep looking for opportunities. Christmas and Easter provide easy opportunities for you to invite someone to church. However, there are plenty of other opportunities happening around the church that you can invite people to. In fact, you can bookmark the New Life Events page to see what new things are happening here.
  • Follow up on conversations. With all the anticipation leading up to Easter, you have probably had a variety of conversations about church and what is happening there. Maybe your friend came to church with you on Easter. If they didn’t come with you, that doesn’t mean the conversations have to end. You can keep engaging them in conversations about God, life, and the church, and who knows, maybe they will come with you when the time is right.

Easter may be over, but that doesn’t mean that you have to stop inviting others to come to church with you and experience Christ. I encourage you to continue praying, looking for opportunities, and be having conversations with people.

Who are you praying for? Where can you be inviting people to come to church with you? Seek God’s guidance and let Him lead you.

– Tom


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