What’s the Difference Between the Old and New Covenant?

March 4, 2024


At New Life we have lots of different Bible reading plans to read through the Bible. In one of the plans, we were going through the sacrifices in the Old Testament. Sean Cronin did a short devotional about the sacrifices and how Jesus’ ultimate sacrifice brought ultimate redemption for us all.ย While Sean’s devotional was helpful, it just scratched the surface about how Jesus brought in a new covenant.

In this blog post we will look at the difference between the old and new covenant and what it means for us today.

In the Old Testament, God established a covenant relationship with His chosen nation of Israel. Though blessed to be the people of God, the old covenant consisted of elaborate laws, rituals, and religious structure centered around the temple and sacrificial system. The Book of Hebrews explains that the old covenant provided an approach to regulating behavior but could not internally transform peopleโ€™s natures or make them โ€œperfectโ€ in conscience (Hebrews 7:11).

the crossIn contrast, the new covenant prophesied by Jeremiah (Jeremiah 31:31-34) and instituted by Jesusโ€™ sacrificial death once for all is radically internal and personal rather than external and legalistic. Sin is washed away forever by Christโ€™s blood poured out. The law is no longer merely written on tablets but imprinted directly upon grateful hearts. Rather than distancing themselves from God behind institutional barriers, all believers receive the Holy Spirit and can have a personal relationship with Him (1 Corinthians 3:16).

This contrast means we now relate to God through faith rather than works or ritual. The focus shifts from what we do for God to what He has done for us for all eternity through the gift of His Son. Through honestly admitting our need and accepting redemption, the new covenant transforms believers into sisters and brothers miraculously at home with God, the Father.

ย Conclusion

During the Passover meal with his disciples, Jesus instituted communion, He lifted the cup and declared, โ€œThis cup is the new covenant in my blood, which is poured out for you.โ€ (Luke 22:20). This new covenant established by Christ is a reason for rejoicing and celebrating this Easter. No matter where you are with Christ today, taste and see that He is good and He brings true life to us all each day.

If you would like to be part of a Bible reading plan, check out the different options here.

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