Operation Christmas Child

November 4, 2014

Unknown-5At this time every year, Samaritan’s Purse’s Operation Christmas Child program begins spreading hope and love to millions of children all over the world – one shoe box at a time! Pack it with small toys, school supplies, and toiletries and Samaritan’s Purse will ship it for you. It’s a great program that has been bringing the love of Christ to over 113 million children around world since 1993! Click here to see children getting their shoeboxes.

Last year, New Life packaged 533 boxes!  It was a great to see so many children, adults, and families participate.  This year, all of New Life will once again participate in Operation Christmas Child.

So how can you take part in Operation Christmas Child this year?

  • New Life Chantilly or Linton Hall Campuses:

    Stop by the Operation Christmas Child table between services on Sundays. Fill it up and return it to the campus any Sunday between now and Nov. 23rd.

  • KidZone:

    We’re challenging EVERY kid in KidZone to bring in a filled box, or three. Kids will put stickers on their class poster when they bring in their boxes. The class that brings in the most boxes gets a KidZone Party!

  • Teens in Northern Virginia:

    The Riot is having a packaging party Nov. 16th from 6-7:30 pm at the nZone.  Bring supplies to pack and have a blast packaging tons of shoeboxes.

  • New Life Online Campus:

    You can create one online or download the gift suggestions and send to the completed box to: Samaritan’s Purse, Operation Christmas Child, 801 Bamboo Road, Boone, NC 28607.

For information about what to put in the boxes click here. For even more info check out the Operation Christmas Child website.

If you have any other questions, feel free to contact [email-obfuscate email=”ektardiff@gmail.com” link_title=”Katie Tardiff”] for the Chantilly Campus, [email-obfuscate email=”peggyprp@icloud.com” link_title=”Peggy Hyde”] for the Linton Hall Campus, or [email-obfuscate email=”tomp@newlife4me.com” link_title=”Tom Pounder”] for the Online Campus.

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