3 Lessons from Romans 5-8

June 19, 2023

Romans 5-8

As we continue to read through the letters Paul wrote to the different Churches in the New Testament, Romans 5-8 shed light on God’s grace, love and salvation. If you haven’t already, take time to read through these passages. Here are 3 lessons learned and insights from these chapters.

Don’t Abuse God’s Grace

We have all been given grace by God. He sent His son, Jesus, to forgive us and die for our sins. That is how deep God’s love is for us. Romans 5:8 says, “But God proves his own love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” As Ephesians 2:8-9 says, it’s the gift of God, not by works, that we have this salvation. However, is it possible to abuse that grace? In Romans 6:15-23, Paul says it’s possible. Read the passage, watch this devotional and be transformed by God’s grace.

Jesus brings a New Covenant 

Before Jesus came, there was a covenant between God and man. However, when Jesus came, a NEW covenant came with Him. The old one has gone! This is worthy of celebration! See how and the importance of this as John shares from Romans 7:1-6 in this devotional. Learn more about the difference between the old covenant and new covenant here.

Focus on What is Godly

BibleIn Romans 8:1-27, Paul challenges the Romans in where their focus is. Is it on what is godly and holy? Or is it on what the world is calling you to do. Tom Hamberger challenges us to focus on godly things in this devotional.


These are just 3 of the lessons you could have gotten out of from Romans 5-8. They are not the only ones. What did you get out of reading these passages? If you are not part of this group, but would like to be getting these texts, simply text the word “Paul” to 703-454-5990. In addition to this, to be part of other Bible Study encouragement groups where you can pick out other Bible Studies to do throughout the year, go to this page.

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