3 Lessons from Galatians 5-Ephesians 5

August 7, 2023


Over the past week, we have read Paul challenging both the Galatians and Ephesians. If you haven’t already, take time to read through these passages and share below what stands out to you from them. If you would like some encouragement from past devotionals we have been doing, you can click here.

Here are 3 lessons learned and insights from Galatians 5-Ephesians 5.

You can Lovingly Hold Others Accountable 

As Christians, it is good to hold each other accountable. When you have another believer(s) walking side-by-side with you through life, it helps you stay focused on Christ and growing in your faith. But how can you do that in a loving way? Paul shares in Galatians 6 and we discuss it in this devotional.

We are Heirs of God

In Ephesians 1 we discover that not only are we all children of God, but we are His heirs! What does that look like and how can we embrace it? Take time to read the passage and be encouraged this devotional.

The Promise of God is for Everyone 

God is full of promises. And, His promises. always come through. The great news is that the promises of God are not just for one person or a certain group of people. No, the promise of God is for everyone! That is what Paul shares in Ephesians 3 and what we discover in this devotional. Who can you share that promise with today?


These are just 3 of the lessons you could have gotten out of from this week’s passages. However, they are not the only ones. What did you get out of reading these passages? If you are not part of this group, but would like to be getting these texts, simply text the word “Paul” to 703-454-5990. In addition to this, to be part of other Bible Study encouragement groups where you can pick out other Bible Studies to do throughout the year, go to this page.

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