Pride and Humility

January 21, 2016

Journey to Joy

Pride and HumilityLast weekend Brett continued our series on Journey to Joy. ย If you missed the sermon you can watch it below. Or if you would like to watch a rebroadcast of the service again, click here. This past week he talked about pride and humility.

Brett primarily used the passage Philippians 2:1-11, as the basis for the message, butย spent some time looking at James 4:6 and 4:10. ย Takeย a few minutes to read these passages and process then usingย the questions below.

  1. How are we to complete Paul’s joy as described in Philippians 2:1?
  2. What stands out to you about Philippians 2:3-4?
  3. How did Jesus demonstrate humility?
  4. How does God respond to humility and pride?

Do nothing out of selfish ambition…have the mindset of Christ who, in humility, gave his life up for us all…consider others better than yourself. ย All of these are key takeaways from the passages above. ย Obviously this is easier said than done, especiallyย living in an area where it is all about our accomplishments and trying to get ahead of the next person. ย But as James 4:10 points out, when we humble ourselves, God will exalt us.

This is a great challenge for all of us. Be humble in everything we do.

What can you do toย practice more humility today? ย How can you have the same mindset of Christ today? ย Share below.


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