Reflections on Sutherland Springs

November 7, 2017

Law enforcement officials investigate a mass shooting at the First Baptist Church in Sutherland Springs, Texas, on Sunday, Nov. 5, 2017. NICK WAGNER / AMERICAN-STATESMAN

It is unfortunate that mass shootings have become more common than any of us could ever have imagined. It has a lot of us questioning and wondering many things, including Stan Rodda. Stan is the Campus Pastor at our Linton Hall Campus. He has a wonderful reflection on the events in Sutherland Springs.

“Another day. Another mass shooting. Here’s my reflection on what happened this past Sunday in Sutherland Springs, Texas at a small Baptist church.

When I first heard the news about the shooting, it was in a text message. I was already busy on a Sunday morning like most pastors. My initial reaction was not much of a reaction. I just read it as if it was another day in our world. Another day. Another mass shooting. It wasn’t until I was able to slow down and process what was happening that I really began to think more about it. Here’s where I’m landing.”

Read the rest of Stan’s post here.

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