Serving Up Values: Next Steps

May 9, 2018


“The rung of a ladder is not for resting but for the next step.”

Serving is filled with next steps.  Developing through opportunities to serve is a process.  Every time we serve God and show love to other people we become a little more like Jesus.  Whether you have yet to serve or have served for years, there is always a next step to take.

Next steps can be as simple as setting up chairs on a Sunday morning or taking a meal to your neighbor. The next steps can grow into leading a ministry team or even planting a church.  God “is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us,” (Ephesians 3:20 NIV).

As an example of this, Mike Fewster spent four years moving from being a man far from God to the Chantilly Campus Pastor at New Life.  He actually attended a Life Group before even coming to a church service.  After he started attending he kept following the Holy Spirit’s “nudge” and went from just attending, to serving on Sunday’s (picking up road signs), to being baptized, to leading a Life Group, and eventually becoming Campus Pastor.

Another example is Beth. Hear her story below:



The take-away here is that we only need to be obedient when He calls us to move.

Being too comfortable can stall our growth.  The next time you are serving, I encourage you pray and ask God to show you your next step.  It might be talking to someone you don’t know.  It could be taking on more responsibilities, or even be changing roles, It could be starting something new.

Whatever nudge you feel, don’t ignore it. Instead, embrace it and see how the Holy Spirit works in and through you to magnify your efforts.  “Let us not grow weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” (Galatians 6:9 NIV)

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