What We Can Learn Through Serving and Confession

May 22, 2023

serve and confess

This past week the scripture reading and devotionals focused on embracing the spiritual disciplines of service and confession. At the heart of all these disciplines is your heart. Is your heart desiring to grow closer to Christ? If so, Here are 3 lessons from the different devotionals from this past week.

Serve as Jesus did

Jesus is a perfect example for how we can do most things in life. That includes how we serve and love others around us. In this devotional we look at John 13 and how Jesus, even in the midst of Him giving his life, was an example of what it looks like to serve others. Follow Jesus’ example today and see how God uses that to further His kingdom.

How to Have a Great Attitude Serving God

Serving and helping others is hard. Deciding to put others before yourself requires humility. But, as Tom shares in this devotional, when you switch your focus and do what Paul encourages us in Colossians 3:23-25, you can have a great attitude when you serve.

Confession Leads to Righteousness   

confessionWhat is confession? Why should we do it? Brett shares from 1 John 1:9-11 about how God gives us a solution for our sin and how it begins with confession. Rather than minimizing or even denying our sin, when we confess our sins, God gives us a solution. That is righteousness. See how in this devotional.

By learning about and trying these different spiritual disciplines, it can help you grow in your faith. It can stretch you as you incorporate these different disciplines which will hopefully become part of your daily life. To be part of this group, text the word “Faith” to 703-454-5990. In addition to this, to be part of other Bible Study encouragement groups where you can pick out other Bible Studies to do throughout the year, go to this page.

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