Summer activities with the family

July 19, 2018


We are about half way through the summer. While summer is still in full effect, this is the part of the summer where it is starting to get to that, “mom (or dad) I’m bored” stage. The good news is that there is still a lot you can do with your family.

For instance, here are some summer activities you could still do.

Visit museums and monuments. There is so much history in this area. Whether it is art, the Civil War, of other monuments and memorials, there is so much to see. Especially if you wanted to learn more about the Bible as the NEW Museum of the Bible is open and amazing. There is so much to go see in this area that you can do and experience.

Do day trips. Whether it is a fruit farm, a hike at Old Rag or around a Civil War battlefield, visiting Philly to eat cheesesteaks and explore, or even visiting an amusement park, there are plenty of great places around Northern Virginia and the surrounding areas to go and explore.

Go to the local pool or camping site. It may not be as glamorous as a day trips somewhere or exploring some museum or historic site, but simply going to your local pool or even a pool with other options like a lazy river and some water slides could be a great break away. Also, camping is a great option as well with Bull Run and Burke Lake parks having plenty of camping sites.

Invite friends over for a cookout. Cookouts are always fun and it is also a great chance for you to invite some friends or neighbors over for a nice time together. Have everyone bring something to share, setup a sprinkler or kiddie pool in the backyard for the little ones and enjoy getting to know your neighbors better or some friends you haven’t seen in a while over. It could also be a great time to begin to have conversations about God as well.

The summer months always seem to come and go before you know it. Even though it is halfway over, this is a great time of the year where there is still a ton of awesome opportunities for you and your family to do. Whether it is something on this list or something you found elsewhere, use the last few weeks to spend time as a family and enjoy some adventures before school starts back up.

What do you like to do during the summer? Share your favorite summer activities for you to do?

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