Three Services at Chantilly…

February 28, 2012

As most of you know, the Chantilly campus will be moving to three services beginning March 25th. The new services times will be 8:30, 10:00 and 11:50. But there’s a lot more to it than that. To find out more, view the video below and scroll down for our FAQ. God is going something great at New Life and we want you to be in the know.

Three Services FAQ

Why are we moving to three services?

It’s no secret that we are out of seats and our parking lot is full.

Wouldn’t it be easier just to add seats?

Yes.  It would be easier on staff and volunteers.  Adding a third service will create volunteer challenges and be more physically taxing.

So, why not just buy more seats?

Two reasons: 1) While we are fortunate to have off-site parking options, we believe we need more time to work out logistics so people are ready for this transition. 2) It’s not legal for us to setup more chairs.

“Not legal” to setup more chairs?

Yes. Fairfax County code initially limits our “auditorium” to 400 people. Our lawyers are confident that we will be able to increase this count; however, we expect it to take at least 6 more months to gain final approval.

Can’t we wait?

Not really.  Last year, we averaged about 100 more people than we did the previous year.  Since moving into the nZone, we are averaging nearly 200 more people than last year at this time.

And… Easter is on the way!

What other benefits are there to three services?

Shampoo.  Have you seen how many versions of Suave shampoo there are? Why?  Because people need options.  The more options available, the more types of people that will be reached.  Adding a service allows us to reach out to more people by offering more options that work better for them.

Okay… so when are they?

Starting March 25th our service times will be 8:30, 10:00 and 11:50

How can I help?

  • Pray. Pray. Pray! The Lord builds the church; we just want to cooperate.
  • Commit to attend first or third service. Create more room for newcomers in second service.
  • Serve. The third service will create many more service opportunities. We will also need additional people to help setup and pack up.
  • Ride-share… particularly within your family.
  • Park off-site. To “show hospitality”, we want newcomers to have the best parking spots.

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