To Go or Not To Go. That is the question.
July 17, 2015
Last Sunday Brett concluded the FAQ sermon series. If you missed any of the messages we encourage you to go back and either listen to or watch them. Our desire is to help you understand and be able to communicate the biblical perspective on questions people are asking. In addition to being able to watch rebroadcasts and sermons on demand at you can also access our sermons the following ways:
- Chantilly Sermons: Listen Online – Audio RSS Feed – iTunes Podcast – Watch Online – Video Podcast
- Linton Hall Sermons: Listen Online – Audio RSS Feed – iTunes Podcast
During Brett’s last message he answered many common objections and questions about the biblical view of homosexuality. Due to time constraints, Brett was unable to answer every question. One question in particular stood out that he was unable to answer is one that we’ve asked ourselves:
The Big Unanswered Question: Should I attend a same-sex wedding?
Biblically, the answer to this fits in the category of deduction and opinion. When I discussed this with Brett the other day his short answer was: “Biblically educate your conscience and then don’t violate it.”
Some Bible-believing people will attend same-sex weddings because, like Jesus in Matthew 9:10, they want to be good neighbors to “tax collectors and sinners.” Other Bible-believing people will choose not to attend because same-sex marriage dishonors Biblical marriage (Hebrews 13:4). By attending, this group of people feels they would be blessing a union that dishonors God. Both principles are valid.
Look deeper. While there are Biblical reasons for either decision, there are wrong motives for both, as well. For instance, are you attending because you want to please people rather than God? Jesus clearly denounces that motivation in John 12:43. On the other hand, are you avoiding the situation because you feel superior or because you don’t care that people need Jesus? After studying Luke 15, a friend of mine commented that if our hearts don’t break for lost people, then we aren’t as close to the heart of Christ as we’d like to imagine.
If you chose to attend a same-sex wedding, the most difficult challenge is how to be a good neighbor at the wedding. To be practical, how do you respond when someone says to you, “Oh, isn’t this wonderful”? Clearly, you don’t want to say, “Well, actually, God made marriage sacred. This treats as profane what God has created to be holy.” If you said that at a wedding and got punched in the nose, you’d deserve it.
How Wide the Divide: Sexuality at the Forefront, Culture at the Crossroads
Posted by Ravi Zacharias on July 15, 2015
A century ago these times were imagined and they are now here. How do we live as Christians in such times?
What has changed? How did we get here? As Nietzsche would say, “Is there any up or down left? Who gave us a sponge to wipe away the horizon? Will lanterns have to be lit in the morning hours? What sacred games will we need to invent?” Yes, a century ago these times were imagined and they are now here. While the secular world has invented its secular games, many churches have invented their own “sacred” games.
On the other hand, if you say, “Oh, yes! This is wonderful,” you would either be lying or compromising the gospel.
The Big Idea – inform your conscience and then don’t violate it
So if you feel compelled to go and can leverage your presence to connect with people who need to know Jesus, then by all means go for it. But if you are unprepared or unable to answer inevitable questions in a loving way or your conscience feels by attending you are endorsing sin, stay home. You don’t have to be mean about it, simply decline.
Clearly this is a personal decision you must wrestle with. This situation and many other are the reality of us living in a culture that does not place Christ at the center. If we are to keep Him in the center of our lives, we will often feel on the outside of cultural norms. That’s not a bad thing.
Want to read more? See the bonus article on the right.