Was It Worth It?

January 6, 2012

Message from: Brett Andrews

I wish you could have been in the nZone with me last night.  On one basketball court you would have seen Westfield HS boys playing a pick up game.  On the next court, you would have enjoyed the boys in elementary school bodies with NBA moves (or, attempts, at least).

On the large field, two CYA 12 year old girls soccer teams dueled; while on field 2, a group of normal looking guys (read: a tad portly), played a game of pick up soccer.  The field remaining was filled with NL students teaching Tom Pounder, our Family Minister, how to play kickball.  (All the while, a men’s group held their weekly gathering in the Meeting Room.)

That was the scene I walked into after stepping out of a meeting with Redskins’ Hall of Famer, Darrell Green.  (Darrell’s foundation works with young people who need food, clothes, education, and Jesus.  Among other things, we were meeting to brainstorm ways to partner with his work.)  I wish you could have heard Darrell Green rave about the nZone.  Why is he excited? He says he can feel something different in this place.  The nZone isn’t just a quality facility, but, he says, you feel Christ’s love in the people serving here.

And, I thought, “Touchdown!”

As 2011 comes to a close, let me trumpet two core essentials that have allowed us to enjoy such great stuff this year: 1) The Blessing of God; 2) The Sacrifice of a Team.

Many of you sacrificed a TON so our students can be using one field, while the building is filled with a bunch of people who have never attended NL on Sunday morning.

As you experience the nZone in the coming weeks, ask yourself, “Was it worth it?”  Was it worth the sacrifice?  Was it worth the things you’ve gone without?  Has God disappointed you, or has He exceeded your expectations?

Jesus promised, Everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or fathers or mothers or children or lands, for My sake, will receive a hundredfold and will inherit eternal life. (Matthew 19:29)

So, “Thank You, God, for being true to Your promises!  You have been abundantly good to us this year!” And, “Thank you, New Life people, for your faithful sacrifice!”

Now, keep praying that we will be faithful stewards of God’s blessings!



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