What is Worship and Forgiveness all about?

May 30, 2023


What is worship? How does corporate worship look different than individual worship? How are we all similar to the prodigal son? These are just a few of the learnings we got this past week from reading through different spiritual disciplines.

You Can Be Forgiven and Welcomed Back to God

The story of the prodigal son is a story for us all. As Isaiah 53:6 shares, we have all turned our backs on God. However, as Anna Mari shares in this devotional, God welcomes us back. What is preventing you from confessing your sins and turning back, as the prodigal son did, and return to God the father. The father welcomed him back with open arms, just like God, the father will with us if we turn back to Him.

Communion is an Act of Worship 

In Matthew 26:26-28 we see Jesus instituting the act of communion with his disciples. He tells that to take bread and wine/juice and eat and drink of it remembering the sacrifice that He made for all people. It is part of our worship service and is considered an act of worship. Whenever you take communion, participate it and worship Jesus and remember His sacrifice for our sins. You can watch John’s devotional here.

Corporate Worship is Powerful and Important

It is important to worship the Lord as a follower of Christ. However, it is also important and very powerful for everyone to worship God as a community. It’s called corporate worship and Brennan shares why it is important and how powerful it can be in this devotional.


By learning about and trying these different spiritual disciplines, it can help you grow in your faith. It can stretch you as you incorporate these different disciplines which will hopefully become part of your daily life. To be part of this group, text the word “Faith” to 703-454-5990. In addition to this, to be part of other Bible Study encouragement groups where you can pick out other Bible Studies to do throughout the year, go to this page.

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