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Engage 2.0

February 28 @ 7:30 pm - March 1 @ 8:00 pm

In 2023, nearly 100 New Life people gathered for four nights, over the course of a month, to grow in their ability to make an eternal impact. We called it Engage. Preston called the attendees the “tip of the spear” of the church due to their desire to make a difference. And it was good. Having the opportunity to learn and grow together was an important step. And we looked forward to gathering again one day.

That day is here. Having learned from Engage 1.0, we are thrilled to announce the next step…

Engage 2.0.

You are invited. As believers, we know that we are supposed to multiply our faith by making disciples. But many of us find that to be difficult or intimidating. Some of us simply feel unequipped. Engage 2.0 will help, whether you are an alumni or a first-time Engage participant. Please take part, not for what we consider to be an improved version or “re-do” of Engage 1.0, but for something entirely new.

This will be a new experience, with new content, in an all-new setting. We will escape for what should be a rich 24 hours away. Together. We will worship, seek the Lord, learn, and dream. And, by God’s grace, this retreat will teach, train, and equip attendees to take practical (and doable!) next steps. We are boldly asking God to (1) use this time powerfully in the life of each attendee in a way that will (2) lead to tremendous fruit and thus (3) supercharge our church’s capacity to reach many with the good news of the Gospel.

SAVE THE DATES: 2/28 – 3/1, 2025


Q: Where will the retreat be held?
A: At the Pine Creek Retreat Center, in Gore, Virginia. Pine Creek is roughly an 80-minute drive from the nZone.

Q: Can you provide more specifics on the times?
A: Please plan to leave Northern Virginia on Friday, February 28, in time to check in at the retreat center by 7:30. Our first meeting will begin at 8pm, and the retreat will end at 8pm on March 1st.

Q: Will there be a cost to attend?
A: Yes. But we will seek to provide scholarships.* The cost for each attendee will be $165. This retreat fee includes three meals Saturday.
* We have begun to raise scholarship money for others. If you are capable of providing a scholarship (or more than one) to this retreat, we’d ask you to prayerfully consider doing so.

Q: Will childcare be provided?
A: Unfortunately, we are unable to offer childcare during this retreat



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February 28 @ 7:30 pm
March 1 @ 8:00 pm
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