Encouragement from Faith Warriors

August 26, 2024


Hebrews 11 is often called the “Hall of Faith.” It’s a chapter that focuses on a bunch of individuals who demonstrated complete and unwavering trust in God. It was also one of the chapters we have read in one of the Bible reading plans recently. As we look at this chapter, there are some very profound lessons that can help encourage you in your own faith journey.

Faith Encouragement 

For starters, Hebrews 11:1 starts off by stating that faith is the foundation of a life pleasing to God. It is described as “confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.” This reminds us that true faith goes beyond just mere belief; it’s an active trust that influences our decisions and actions. For instance, Abraham, left his homeland at God’s command, not knowing where he was going. By his obedience, we see that faith often requires stepping into the unknown, trusting God’s guidance even when the path ahead is unclear. In addition, Sarah’s story shows us that faith can overcome doubt and human limitations. While she was initially skeptical, she ultimately trusted God’s promise of a child in her old age. This encourages us to believe that with God, nothing is impossible.

faithAs we look at more examples, it is also clear that God can and does use imperfect people for great purposes. Moses, Rahab, Gideon and Samson were just some of the many examples of this. It encourages us that when we feel inadequate or unworthy, God can still use us in a huge way.  In other examples, we see that faith doesn’t always lead to immediate victory or deliverance. In fact, some highlighted in Hebrews 11 faced torture, mockery, and even death. Despite it all, they held fast to their faith, looking forward to a heavenly reward. This encourages us that true faith perseveres even in the face of adversity and apparent defeat.

If you would like some faith encouragement from everyday people who are seeking to live for Christ and grow spiritually, subscribe to the Third Chair Podcast as people share how God changed their lives and what God is doing in their life today. 


The people highlighted in Hebrews 11 inspire us to live a bold and active faith where we can emulate these men and women as they trusted God’s promises, obeying His call, and persevering through every circumstance. How can you cultivate a faith that stands firm in both triumph and trial? Step out in obedience and trust God so that you will have faith stories to share just like these bold men and women.  

At New Life, we offer a variety of Bible reading plans for exploring God’s word and practically applying it to our lives today. If you would like to be part of a Bible reading plan, check out the different options here. You can also check out other devotionals throughout the week here.

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