Jesus Commissions You to Make Disciples

July 8, 2024


In one of our Bible in a year readings, we read Matthew 10:1-25. In this passage, Jesus sends out His twelve disciples with a clear mission: spread the good news about God and Him and make more disciples. This passage isn’t just a historical account but it is the mission of New Life as well. We strive to be disciples making disciple makers starting churches that start churches.

But how can we do this? We can use this passage as a blueprint for our own disciple making efforts.

Jesus begins by empowering His disciples. He gives them authority over unclean spirits and the ability to heal diseases. This reminds us that when God calls us to a task, He equips us for it. We’re not sent out empty-handed or unprepared. That means that when you feel that nudge in your heart to speak up or share about Him to someone else, we don’t have to be afraid as God has already prepared the way for us. We have to simply act in obedience to act. He will give us the words to say and the things to do.

The mission field Jesus describes is vast. He tells the disciples to go to the lost sheep of Israel, but we know from the Great Commission that our field is the whole world. There’s no shortage of people who need to hear the message of God’s love and salvation. As Jesus says in Acts 1:8, start with your local area and move out from there. Who are the people in your community that you know or at your workplace that need to hear about Jesus. Start there first.

While you act in obedience, know that it is not always easy to go and make disciples. Jesus knows this that is why He doesn’t sugarcoat the challenges. He warns the disciples that they’ll face opposition, even persecution. Yet He encourages them not to fear, promising that the Spirit of the Father will speak through them. This teaches us that while disciple-making may be difficult, we’re never alone in our efforts.

The urgency in Jesus’ words is clear. He tells the disciples to travel light and move quickly from town to town. In our context, this might mean being ready to share our faith at any moment, not waiting for the “perfect” time or circumstances.


Making disciples isn’t about eloquent speeches or grand gestures. Jesus instructs His followers to extend peace, to heal the sick, to freely give as they’ve freely received. It’s about living out our faith in tangible, loving ways that draw others to Christ. As we read this passage, let’s hear it as our own commissioning. This wasn’t just for His own disciples. It is for us today! The need for disciples who make disciples is as great today as it was back then. Are you ready to answer the call?

If you want to go and make disciples but don’t know where to start or what to do, email us! We’d love to help!

At New Life, we offer a variety of Bible reading plans for exploring God’s word and practically applying it to our lives today. If you would like to be part of a Bible reading plan, check out the different options here.

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