A King Like No Other
January 20, 2025

Every four years, America celebrates a new or re-elected President. Many countries do similar celebrations, but when a U.S. president arrives for inauguration, the scene is one of carefully orchestrated grandeur. Military bands play “Hail to the Chief,” lots of fanfare is displayed all around, police and Secret Service agents scan the crowd protecting the nation’s leader. The incoming or re-elected president typically arrives in a sleek, heavily-guarded limousine, surrounded tremendous displays of earthly power and authority. It’s a great celebration and an amazing display of pride in the country as millions celebrate.
The King of Kings
While the Presidential Inauguration and all it’s celebration is amazing, it is a complete contrast to Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem right before his death and resurrection. Jesus, the King of Kings, didn’t arrive to Jerusalem in a polished limousine. No, He chose a borrowed, lowly donkey – fulfilling the prophet Zechariah’s words about a king coming “gentle and riding on a donkey” (Zechariah 9:9). Rather than amazing musicians playing official anthems, His parade music came from spontaneous shouts of “Hosanna!” by common people spreading their cloaks and palm branches on the dusty road. No security detail flanked His sides; no bulletproof barriers separated Him from the crowds (Luke 19:28-44).
While presidential inaugurations showcase the celebration with parades, parties and amazing displays of power and authority, Jesus demonstrated true authority through humility. His procession embodied the upside-down nature of God’s kingdom, where the greatest must become the servant of all (Matthew 23:11). The crowds who welcomed Him that day expected a political messiah who would overthrow Roman rule, much like they might have anticipated from a powerful earthly leader. Instead, Jesus came to inaugurate a different kind of kingdom – one not built on military might or political influence, but on sacrificial love.
Both a presidential inauguration and Jesus’ arrival in Jerusalem mark the arrival of a leader, but they reveal profoundly different understandings of power and authority. As we reflect on these contrasting pictures of leadership, we must ask ourselves: which king truly deserves our ultimate allegiance? Who are we really following?
While we celebrate, respect and honor our earthly leaders, our true king is Jesus. He is the King who laid down His life for His people, who rules with perfect justice and mercy, and whose kingdom will never end. As you enjoy the inauguration of earthly Presidents, never forget to celebrate and cry “Hosanna!” to the ultimate King of Kings and Lord of Lord, Jesus Christ who holds all power in heaven and earth.
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