New Fall Opportunities to get Connected

September 6, 2018


Fall is a fantastic time of year. With a new school year starting, the weather getting a little cooler and leaves changing color, there brings a sense of newness. With this newness comes great opportunities for us in our personal and professional lives.

One of the great opportunities this fall to get connected is in a Life Group. We have a variety of local and online Life Groups that you can connect with. Life Groups are perfect for people of all ages and backgrounds to connect with others as we try to live the way Christ calls us to. As you know, it is not always easy to do that. That is why we believe connecting with others striving to do the exact same thing can be a huge help to us all.

For those local, there are plenty of opportunities to connect throughout the week throughout the area. You can find a list of groups here. If you are a high school student looking to connect with others, click here.

If you would like to connect with others, but for one reason or another, physically finding a set day and time is really hard for you, we have plenty of Online Life Groups going as well. In fact, Online Life Groups are perfect for others who may not be able to connect with others during the week because of the busy-ness of life. Online Groups are not dictated by day or time. That means that you can catch up with others as you explore more about Christ in your life at any time.

There are a variety of fall online groups staring September 17th.

Sermon Series Facebook Group. This is a great way to use Facebook to get encouragement throughout the week and interact with people from all over about what is being taught on Sunday.We will also be encouraging each other throughout the week on other issues as well, but if you are interested in trying out an Online Life Group for maybe the first time, this is a great place to start. To sign up for this group, go to this

STAY FIT: Strengthening Your Connection to Jesus. This is a 30 day group where we work on staying spiritually fit by focusing on our relationship with Jesus. To join this group, click here.

40 Days of Love. This group will walk through the ways to make love the most important goal of your life and be obedient to Christ: “Let love be your greatest aim” (1 Corinthians 14:1). To join this group, click here.

Joy for All Seasons. In this group, you will discover how to trust God when life isn’t fair, how to ponder Scripture that transforms your thinking and how to turn disappointment into a heart that rejoices in the middle of uncertainty. Click here to join the group.

Discovering God’s Heart. This group is designed to help you discover just what it means to be loved by an awesome God. This group will help you explore the verses that give us insight into God’s heart, and each passage will teach you about how his love can transform your life. Join the group  here.

Fall into Devotion. As summer turns into the fall, this group will focus on retreating and growing closer to Christ. You can join this group by clicking here.

Fall provides a wonderful opportunity for a fresh start. Life Groups are a great way to get started this fall fresh and grow in your personal life in a way unlike ever before. There are plenty of groups out there for a variety of ages and times. Which one will you join this fall?

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