Many of you have met and have been praying for our dear friend and church planter, Richie Merritt. On June 6, 2012 he was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer and three lesions on his brain. The outlook was grim and it looked unlikely he would survive this challenge. Shortly after hearing the news, we blogged about Richie and asked you to help support him and his church. You did, and for that he, and we, is grateful. So this morning we were thrilled to receive the following email from Richie:

feel reading updates like these wondering why God hasn”t answered your prayers as clearly or dramatically. In the dark nights I face, I often ask God why he would heal Richie… and my brother… and my grandmother, but not my uncle, grandfather or most closely, my mom. She was a Godly woman. If anyone would give God all the praise and glory for a miraculous healing it would have been her. She is still dearly missed by those who were close to her. The good news is, we had two good years with her before God called her to be with Him. The better news is that she IS with Him. Her miracle was not one of healing from cancer, but of healing from sin. She knew Christ and I know in my heart that she is with Him now.

But still to this day 15 year later, I wrestle with why God let her die. Yes, I know all the “right” answers. I”ve read the books that talk about God”s sovereignty and love and I believe He can do whatever He wants and His will is always for our good. But that doesn”t mean I like it. But I do believe Job 38 & 39 resting in the knowledge that God did lay the foundations of the earth. But most of all I lean on Isaiah 53:5

“But he was pierced for our transgressions;
    he was crushed for our iniquities;
upon him was the chastisement that brought us peace,
    and with his wounds we are healed.”

So when the lights are off and I question why God heals some and not others, I cling to His promise that I have been healed. That Christ paid the price. That God the Father, understands my pain and more as He watched His innocent Son savagely beaten and murdered so that I, a wretched sinner, may live. That God has poured out on me, Much Love.