Life is Scary Enough…

August 26, 2013

Life is ScaryIt’s that time of year again. That time when we invite our community to join us for a worship service at New Life. We are currently preparing a direct mail campaign and will also be printing extras so you can give some to your friends and co-workers. Be sure to pick some up at church next month.

We’ve also heard from people who were disappointed they or their friends did not receive our postcards in the mail. Unfortunately our budget limits how many homes we can mail to but this is where you can help.

This year we are giving you the opportunity to “sponsor” a carrier route by making a tax deductible donation to our direct mail fund. What’s a carrier route? It’s every home that one mail carrier delivers to. Mailing to the entire route ensures we get the best postage possible. All together we pay just seventeen cents to print and mail one postcard to one home. So to include a specific route (typically 500 homes) costs $350. We know this is a lot of money to many of you but this is a great way for you to partner with us. Perhaps you can get a few New Lifer’s from your street to contribute as well.

Ready to invite your neighbors? Complete this form and we’ll take care of the rest. Still got questions or want to find out what a specific carrier route includes? Contact [email-obfuscate email=”” link_title=”Pat Furgerson”].

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