New Life: At the Movies…

September 26, 2012

We are excited about our annual “At The Movies” series? Why? We find that Fall is a great time to invite guests to New Life. People are generally open to trying out church after school starts, and this series is a fun, safe way for you to invite your friends and neighbors to New Life. After all, who doesn’t want to know what Brett is going to say about the Hunger Games or Tim is going to say about The Three Stooges? It’s just great stuff!

And this year we have a special treat for you! The night before we talk about a movie, we are going to play themovie at the nZone. No, we don’t endorse everything in all of the movies, but this will prepare us for the message the following morning and it’s another great event to invite people to! So, join us Saturday evenings at 7pm starting September 29th through November 3rd. We will be welcoming everyone 13 and older into movies(17 and older the last week) so if you need child care, [email-obfuscate email=”” link_title=”email us”] with your kid’s ages and the nights you plan to attend (don’t forget your guests kids too!). This way, we can be sure that there are plenty of providers keeping your kids safe and happy.

Interested in helping with child care, popcorn, and more for the preview night? [email-obfuscate email=”” link_title=”Email us”] and let us know and we will get you to the right people!

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