We’re Heading to Our South American Church Plant

August 28, 2015

Sponsor a Child in Jesus Name with Compassion

Ways to Give:

There are a number of ways you can financially support this trip.

FanfareEatery GloryDays_logo

Want to support our mission trip to Ecuador? Both Glory Days Grill and Fanfare Eatery have extended their generosity toward the mission trip. All you have to do to help is eat at any location between now and September 1st and then drop your itemized receipt (not the credit card receipt) in the offering on Sunday. Want to multiply your impact? Invite your whole family, small group, or group of friends from work and collect all the receipts.

elfresco-logoJoin us September 3rd from 5-8pm at El Fresco in Chantilly and they will donate a portion of your bill toward our trip. El Fresco is a fast casual Mexican restaurant that doesn’t skimp on flavor. Discover more about El Fresco at www.elfrescomexicangrill.com

Someone on our South American Mission Team sent the following note to some friends and we thought it’d be great to share as an open letter. You can donate directly or support us through a local restaurant listed in the side-bar. You can also read more about the trip here.


Hi Everyone!
I wanted to send a note to ask for your help as our Missions Team prepares to head to South America at the end of September.  We will be visiting the church New Life planted and visiting the children in the program that Compassion has established as well as the staff that run the program.  I’m very excited to visit the children, but a big piece of my heart is also excited to meet the staff that works tirelessly in this ministry area.  The staff consists of about a dozen people including the pastor, the tutors that work with the children and visit the homes, an admin person, a nurse, and of course, a cook that prepares the meals each day for the kids.  As I think about these folks who are the hands and feet of Jesus to the children and families in this area, I just can’t help thinking that I want to (a) hug them all and (b) offer whatever encouragement I can and tell them to KEEP GOING.
Most of you are not heading down with us, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t come with the team.  You can join us, come with us, have an impact and be a part of this not only by praying over this mission (happy to forward a specific email about that to anyone who asks) but also by sending your encouragement and prayer via a simple note, from you to a staff member in Pueblo Nuevo.  We read of the encouragement the Apostle Paul offered to the churches; I wonder if we couldn’t offer the same for this church?  Just offer a simple note, that can be bundled with several other notes, to give each staff member – offer some love for them to read and hear and feel – love from fellow believers that are in another part of the world, but fighting the same battle.
Here’s How You Can Join Us:
If you’re a New Lifer, we’ll have some cards available the next 2 Sundays for you to write a simple note.  We’ll even have a polaroid, so if you’d like to take a quick picture, you can attach it to your note (put a face to a note).  We’ll have the notes translated before we head down.
If you’re one of our distant family/friends, you can email/message me your note (and a selfie if you’d like) and I’ll write up a card for you.
I’ll need your note/picture by September 10.
Please let me know if you have any questions.  Thanks for reading all of this!
Hebrews 10:24…Let us think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works.
-Amanda Pennel

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